Buy 2C-B pills online


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2CB Pills Online. 2C-B, or 4-bromo-2,5 dimethoxy phenethylamine, is a hallucinogenic drug that was synthesized in 1974 by Alexander Shulgin.  When Ecstasy became a controlled substance in 1985, it was marketed as a legal MDMA substitute.  it became a Schedule I substance 10 years later in 1995.

2C-B’s effects are reportedly similar to MDMAmescalineLSD, and amphetamine. Unfortunately, because it is produced illegally, someone who purchases and consumes what they think is 2C-B won’t know the exact ingredients used in the batch taken. They may have a dangerous reaction to the drug.

It is sold in pill or capsule form and is either taken whole or crushed and snorted. Snorting it can lead to excruciating pain that can last up to 30 minutes.

What Are the Short-Term Effects?

Depending on the mode of administration, it effects will begin within 20-90 minutes, and the  trip normally lasts 4-6 hours.

The symptoms a person will experience during a trip depend on the dose taken and the chemical compounds in the 2C-B they consume. The effects associated with a 2C-B trip include:


15, 25, 50


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